Truck Stop

Reimagining gas stations into an inspired refueling stop.

In March of 2020, at the height of the pandemic, the state of our world had been drastically uprooted. Through adjusting to new lifestyles, we’ve been forced to reevaluate our current society, seeing just how crucial or irrelevant some practices are.

During the pandemic, we minimized unnecessary excursions and reduced driving by a significant amount, exposing gas stations to be far less demanding than society believes them to be. An establishment based solely on refueling a vehicle becomes irrelevant when barely anyone uses their vehicle.

Fast forward to 2022, after the Russian invasion on Ukraine, gas prices skyrocketed in the U.S., leading to even more frustration and resistance to having to buy gas. As electric cars and scooters, biking, skateboarding and other means of transportation become more common, gas stations will soon seem outdated.